The Rise of Geographic Information System (GIS) with Artificial Intelligence


In recent years Neural computing progressing at an exponential pace and advances in Deep learning and Artificial neural nets are rapidly replacing traditional computing framework. Neural computing is going to be next level paradigm shift in computer science. As new neuromorphic hardware and innovation in neural software techniques become available, it’s going to be a fundamental platform for future computing infrastructure.  Artificial neural nets are networks of neurons that learn, adapt, predict, understand and extract patterns from raw data just like biological neurons in the human brain. Deep artificial neural nets can learn complex functions and extract multidimensional complex features from raw data.

Technology used:

Artificial neural nets and techniques of Deep learning to train deep networks are becoming dominant in specialized tasks like natural language processing, image processing, language translation and financial predictions and many more interesting tasks. These technologies can also be applied to geospatial data of satellite images, data with latitude-longitude information, climate data, geotagging data to manipulate and make predictions for various applications. New optimization techniques and powerful neuromorphic hardware can add an extra layer to understand geospatial data in time series manner and uncover the tremendous benefits hidden inside GIS data.

Possible Applications:

1. Predictions and remote monitoring-

The neural system can handle complex weather and climate imagery data patterns that humans can’t process at large scale in real-time and come up with solutions for problems like climate change, air pollution, water pollution and forest management using geospatial data.
This neural framework can optimize on land data, agriculture data, regional-based crop data, regional-based financial data to maximize economic benefits for society.

Almost every connected device that uses GIS application software can use a neural system as a platform to predict, adapt, learn and make decisions for end users.
Neural Geospatial data system can be a core engine for self-driving vehicles and drones to adapt and manipulate an environment in a real-time manner using all kind of GIS data.

3. Geographic Consumer behavior-

In today’s competition age understanding consumer is key for any organization, Neural structures can learn and make predictions of consumer behavior using geographic data and come up with specialized regional solutions.
Neural based systems can create an ecosystem around various GIS applications and build a knowledge base to take effective and valuable decisions for tasks that require geographic information and expertise. This neural system that learns on their own can come up with new usage of GIS data that we can’t even imagine today!!

Pros and Cons:

– An amazing thing about neural nets is that it can be applied to any problems by designing cost function and it can learn on their own which is very useful for saving human labor, time and energy.
-This technology will create new resources, enhance resource management, improve a quality of life and build better social structures among communities.
-As in the case of many technologies, new jobs, goods and new services will emerge thus creating a prosperous economy.

– Rapidly increasing computation power and AI (neural based) will become a very strong tool soon and evil groups can also use this technology to harm society.
-This technology uses lots of geospatial and other data so it will destroy human privacy which can be uncomfortable in some situations.


In the 19th century when technology called ‘Electrolysis’ was not yet invented, aluminum was so rare and precious metal than gold and platinum because of lack of technology. Today we can use Aluminum for many uses in the most abundant way thanks to Electrolysis technology. Thus, It’s not about a scarcity of resources but it’s about to solve a lack of technology to extract resources.

Neural artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be an essential part of our life from education to major sectors like healthcare, energy, transportation, exploration, politics, and manufacturing. Today humans are heading towards new abundance created by computation and AI technologies on top of Big Data. In near future, neural artificial intelligence will drive innovation and solutions in major problems like climate change, healthcare to create a more knowledgeable, peaceful and healthy society by making a prosperous and meaningful life for humanity.


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