Journey of Artificial Intelligence:

"Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems."

In the 50s, we started to see SQL databases with only one type of format. Then moving along, larger databases such as Oracle and Informix appeared. I started to use Database as a relevant tool in the early 80s. Today the variety of formats like pictures, videos, texts, engineering data, spreadsheets, mobile data, social media and emails require a different database format. This is why NoSQL started to exist (not only SQL). Data and the amount of data are more and more available. The intensity of data also started to become clear in the mid of 50s. However, at that time we did not know how to gather data and more importantly how to use data. Today, data has great value to all companies. Until recently, we had never thought of putting together all the different types of data. Over time companies have started to realize that they could use more and more their data to answer many questions throughout the company. Financial, sales, marketing, customer support questions were answered in a coherent way. Say, when does a customer tend to order? What is the profile of our customers? When do they pay? How have we approached them, etc.? Marketing departments would try to answer this, but it was not precise enough for salespeople to optimize. When an employee would leave the company, they would take away with them a lot of know-how and sometimes companies would struggle. Then the idea of real time operating systems based on data came into play. Robots were created and used historical data to progress and behave more and more like an animal for some or like a human for others. These robots created data like no other. Anything they saw or heard, any movement they made and any interaction they had were recorded and reused to ensure the robot would continually develop. In parallel, research around data and organization of data developed.
Labels: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning


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